Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Look, she can run!"

No not me...Sally. We had week 5 of puppy class tonight. Tonight was review night, just practicing all of the things we have learned in the past four weeks. It was a small class tonight, only five "students" were there. We practiced walking in a big circle on a loose leash, working on our u-turns and about-turns, sitting down when we stop. Sally is pretty good at all of those things. We practiced stay, which we are great at, Sally is great at being frozen in place. Then laying down - we are terrible at that. And by terrible I mean she only does it if I pull her front legs out from under her. We did some figure eights and weaving in and out of other dogs. All pretty good. We ended the night with "come when called" practice off leash. We did it a couple of times just a short distance and then since we had extra time they had us go off to the far end of the arena kind of behind some bleachers so our dog couldn't see us. Sally was the last pup to go and when I got back there and called her I heard someone say "Look, she can run!". You see normally when I call Sally she just walks verrryyyy slowly over to me. Never once has she trotted or done anything close to a run. But when I got out of her sight, she was anxious to make her way over to find me. She came running around the corner with a big grin on her face :) Maybe she'll even graduate next week....maybe...

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