Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thrifty Tuesday 7/26

Well this Tuesday wasn't much cooler than last Tuesday, but my partner in crime and I headed out anyway. There were TONS of sales in Morton today...we didn't even go to all of them. There was a sale out at Ackerman Farms so we started there and I bought a little wooden scoop that is just like the ones that the sell at the St. John Spice Company. We always bring home some gifts from this little shop on vacation and there are these multi-colored wooden scoops and bowls that I could never stop looking at. I bought one for my mother-in-law last time, but never bought one for myself. Well now I have a small one for a quarter :) I also bought a neat red glass candle holder, that price tag on the bottom from when they had it at their shop says that the set of three was $70. So that makes my 75 cents look even better. Red seemed good for christmas, valentines, or fourth of july. My next big purchase was some bottled water to keep us going a little longer. There were several houses that had kids selling home made snow cones. We ended with a house that had a sale earlier in the summer as well, with dirt cheap prices. My partner in crime found a vintage christmas tray that matched another tray she had found earlier in the summer. I found a cute christmas tin in the free box. We ended there for the day, but I got sucked in by a couple sales on my way home. I only bought one thing - a grapevine wreath for 50 cents. I thought maybe I could stick some hydrangea pieces or sweet annie in it and turn it into a fun fall wreath. So $1.75 today. I'll be taking the week of next week for vacation and after that work picks up a lot, so I'm not sure how many more Thrifty Tuesdays I'll get in this summer.

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